Book an appointment.
The easiest way to book is online below.
Please book below, complete your details then if it’s your first time booking with us please follow the links to the medical questionnaire.
You can cancel at any point and payment is usually not required until after your appointment.
Please scroll down for guidance on the different appointment types - if you have further questions please contact us.
The Haslemere clinic in Harrow House is open for direct online booking. If you can't find an appointment time that suits you please contact us as we may be able to arrange another time.
We are usually able to offer a home visit on the same day or next day for those that can’t travel or for whom Haslemere is too far to come. Please call or email and we will arrange a call back with a doctor to make arrangements.
You can also book in a Telephone consultation or Video consultation. If we agree you need to be seen face to face you will only be charged the difference in cost.
If you can’t find a slot that suits you please submit a message through the contact page, or call on 01730 202345.
Members should contact their doctor by email, we will respond as soon as possible.
We regret that we cannot routinely offer out of hours care to those on the Credit prepayment scheme or non-members.
Please call the clinic to ask about health screen appointments. We will usually arrange for a doctor to call you back and book a mutually convenient time for an appointment which is usually longer and requires a little planning.
If you need a cervical screening or 'smear' test this will need to be booked with Dr Charlotte Burton.
Usually no up front payment is required. We will send an invoice via email within 24 hours of the appointment and the easiest way to settle your account is by the link in the email. However we can also accept cards in person, cash or bank transfer.
If after booking you subscribe to a membership package within 30 days, your account will be credited with the cost of this consultation.
Adjustments, cancellations or changes of details can all be easily done. If you need to book another time please go ahead and book the appointment you need. You should then be able to cancel the unwanted appointment, but if it's unclear please just send us a message telling us which slot you need to cancel and we will do so without charge.
You do not need to be a member to book with Lisle Medical.
Existing members and credit prepayment clients should book the MEMBERS/CREDIT ONLY appointment types.
If you are interested in applying for either of these you can read about them on the membership page and fees page (for prepayment) where there are links to the online application form.