New doctors enable expansion for Lisle Medical

GP home visits and clinic appointments are now available concurrently

The popularity of the clinic in Haslemere has meant that the Lisle Medical team is now strengthened by the addition of two very experienced GPs.

Dr Charlotte Burton has been working for a number of clinics in London and the South East for a number of years and has gained vast experience not only in high quality medical care but also developing a network of consultants throughout the region to whom she refers. She has a particular interest in womens health but is skilled in all areas of general practice. We are delighted to offer her experience to those booking appointments in Haslemere.

Dr Madeleine Beach has been working in a reknowned private GP clinic in West London for a several years and has also built a great knowledge of the full spectrum of general practice. We are excited to have her offering a appointments throughout the week in Haslemere.

As a result of these excellent additions to the team Dr Piers Foster returns to spending much of the week delivering the mobile GP service that Lisle Medical was exclusively for the first two years, particularly spending more time seeing members, but also offering private GP services further afield around Chichester, the south coast and further afield in West Sussex and Hampshire. These home visits are booked after discussion and agreement of a mutually convenient time - please use our online booking system to arrange this call, or just speak to our admin team on 01730 202345 who will arrange a call back from the doctor.


A New Approach to Health Screening at Lisle Medical


Private GP clinic in Haslemere